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CROSSMAN, Rettie Elroy (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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CROSSMAN, Rettie Elroy 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
Rettie Elroy Crossman (formerly of Burton, NB.) passed away at the Mill Cove Nursing Home on Friday, November 20, 2009. He joins his wife of 64 years, Elta (Broome), who passed away on April 30, 2009.

Born October 10, 1924 in Moose Brook, NS, he was the 13th of James and Ellen (Hill) Crossman’s 14 children. Rettie was a veteran of World War II. Upon returning from overseas he worked as a milkman, carpenter and owned his own taxi business in Windsor, NS. He rejoined the Armed Forces in 1955 and moved from Camp Aldershot, NS to Base Gagetown and Fredericton, NB. He was a member of the 2nd Battalion, Black Watch, RHR. He retired from the military in 1975 and was then employed as a mess manager at Base Gagetown, retiring in 1987. In his retirement, he enjoyed woodworking, helping his neighbours, and tending his vegetable garden. He was a long-time member of the Legion, the Masonic Lodge and the Eastern Star.

Rettie is survived by his daughter, Carol (Bob) McLean of Cumberland Point, NB, his sons, Wayne (Carolyn) Crossman of Cornwall, PE, Kevin of Burton, NB and Peter (Erin) of Carlisle, ON; grandchildren, Shelley (Bill) Bridges of Sheffield, NB, and Liam and Dylan Crossman of Carlisle, ON; great-grandchildren, Brittney and Duncan Bridges of Sheffield, NB. He is also survived by one sister, Marion Walker, of Barrie, ON, as well as many special nieces and nephews.

Besides his wife, Elta, he is predeceased by sisters, Etta Drake, Blanche Kerr, Beulah Crossman, Pearl Reynolds, and Gladys Llewellyn; brothers, Robert, Joseph, Walter, Stanley, Percy, Harold, and Harry.

The family would like to extend a sincere appreciation to the staff of the Mill Cove Nursing Home for the wonderful care and support they provided Dad and Mom over the past 5 years. As well, we thank Leza Pott and Dad’s ‘angels’ at the Burton Ultramar for all they did for him.

Visitation will be held at Oromocto Select Community Funeral Home from 6-9 Monday evening November 23, and the funeral at the same location at 11:00 am Tuesday November 24th. The Masonic Lodge tribute service will be held at 7:00 pm Monday evening followed by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 93 tribute service. For those who wish, memorial tributes may be made to the Mill Cove Nursing Home Foundation or the N B Masonic Charities (Camp Good Time).

Webmaster (Admin)
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Last Edit: 2009/11/22 13:37 By Webmaster.
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CROSSMAN, Rettie Elroy
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