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WIGMORE, J.R. (John) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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WIGMORE, J.R. (John) 1 Year, 1 Month ago  
Black Watch friends:

As some of you may already be aware, John Wigmore passed away on 25 March in Victoria, BC.
John was posted to our First Battalion, The Black Watch RHC on graduation from Royal Military College, and he served with 1RHC in Camp Aldershot, West Germany and CFB Gagetown. He was posted to our Second Battalion (‘B’ Coy) in 1965 and accompanied 2RHC to Cyprus the following year. Following the removal of The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada from the Regular Force in 1970, John re-badged to PPCLI.

June 7th, 1933 to March 25th, 2023

The Wigmore family announces the death of their beloved husband and father, Lt Col (Ret) John Richard Wigmore, CD, P Eng (Civil) on March 25, 2023 at Royal Jubilee Hospital, in Victoria, BC. John is survived by his wife (Josephine Mary Wigmore, nee Ellis) of almost 66 years, his son and daughter-in-law (Tad and Trudi Wigmore), daughter (Jodi Wigmore), his sister (Margaret Brumwell) and nieces.
Born in Toronto, on June 7, 1933, John left Ontario to pursue a career in the military. He became a wing commander and graduate of Royal Roads Military College, studied at UBC to complete his degree in Civil Engineering, and then attended the Royal Military College. During training, he obtained 'his wings' by becoming a parachutist. His military career included 30 years service with the Canadian Armed Forces, including the 48th Highlanders and The Black Watch (RHR) of Canada. His work took John to many destinations apart from Canada, including Cyprus, Germany, England and Australia. He was the recipient of the Queen's Silver and Diamond Jubilee Medals.
After retirement, he commanded the Canadian Scottish Regiment in Victoria. He was also the director of the Regimental Museum, as well as its annual ceilidh fundraiser. John and Jo were active participants in the ceilidh as Scottish country dancers. John hiked many a mile, rowed a single scull, played tennis and golf, sailed, enjoyed his classic Jaguar and Scottish country dancing. He built a cedar canoe, a speedboat, and a kayak, and created intriguing 'string things', which were an interesting amalgamation of Calder mobiles and engineering principles.
The family expresses their deepest gratitude to Dr. Heather Clark for her excellent 20+ years of care and dedication to John. We also thank Dr. Brett Baumann, as well as the nurses and other support staff at RJH.
John served his country, family and friends with true loyalty and dedication. He was a man of few words, true contentment and subtle humour. He was dearly loved and respected and has left an indelible mark on the hearts of many.
Published by Victoria Times Colonist from Apr. 17 to Apr. 18, 2023.

R. I. P.
Webmaster (Admin)
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Gender: Male pipey1983 Valley Concepts Hosting Location: Hampton, Nova Scotia Birthdate: 1959-02-16
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WIGMORE, J.R. (John)
Webmaster 2023/04/24 09:47
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