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GRAY, R.E. (Randy) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: GRAY, R.E. (Randy)
GRAY, R.E. (Randy) 1 Year, 3 Months ago  
Black Watch friends:

Regret to report the passing of Randy Gray this past week in Halifax’s Camp Hill Hospital.
Randy served with our Second Battalion, The Black Watch RHC in CFB Gagetown, West Germany and Cyprus 1966 (‘C’ Company). He was a long-time member of Atlantic Branch, The Black Watch RHC Association and a regular at the Atlantic Branch Reunions held in Camp Aldershot.

Randel Ellsworth GRAY
1942 - 2023

It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Randel Ellsworth Gray on March 1, 2023 in Camp Hill Veterans' Memorial Building, QEII. Known as Randy to all his friends and Randel to his beautiful wife Lorraine, he was a man who made his presence known. He did not pass up a chance to enjoy the company of his family and friends, hosting many annual Boxing Day parties, travelling south with Lorraine and friends during the winters, and joining a few motorcycle clubs. His main club was Veterans UN-NATO Canada. He was 17 when he left his hometown of Sambro, to join the Black Watch (Nova Scotia Royal Highland Regiment) as an infantryman. Tired of digging holes and filling them in again he applied to remuster as a vehicle technician. Initially denied due to his education, he proved himself as a mechanic and his request was updated and strongly recommended, thus beginning a lifelong career as a vehicle tech of immense skill. He was posted many times, including two times to Germany, the first as a wild bachelor, and the second as a married man, with his wife Lorraine, and sons Randal and Paul. He served his country with pride and dedication during three United Nations tours: Cyprus twice and Egypt once, but that pride paled in comparison to the pride and dedication he had for his family. It was during his final posting at CFS Barrington (Stonehorse) that he co-founded the 3rd Barrington Cub Pack continuing his involvement as a Scout leader (Akela) that began at CFE Lahr. Randel believed life was an adventure best enjoyed with a partner and together he and Lorraine jumped in feet first. In their early marriage, they joined the bowling league. They were also long-time members of snowmobile clubs at both CFB Gagetown and CFB London Ontario. Once in Gagetown they competed in the couples serpentine blindfolded race. They won of course and the trophy is sitting on the shelf in the rec room. They travelled across Europe in the old red Volvo wagon (which was replaced by the blue Volvo wagon which they lived in on a cross-Canada and back adventure), joined the Halifax Antique Car Club with their restored Ford Galaxie 500 and travelled around Atlantic Canada on their motorcycle. Randel enjoyed two motorcycle trips to Newfoundland with good friend Keith Crocket and one with Lorraine as an example of the mileage he put on his machine. Randel and Lorraine’s travels also included Hawaii, Mexico, Cuba, and Florida but the most important was to Maryland when their first granddaughter Kathryn was born. He wasn’t stingy with his time or knowledge, sharing what he could with his family and friends. He taught his daughter-in-law Enid how to skin a deer and helped his son Paul build a telescope. There were many afternoons spent in his coveralls under someone’s car, usually his son Randal’s, fixing various knocks and bumps. Randel believed that anything worth doing was worth doing well. He applied this to all parts of his life; from fitness to fun. After he retired, he joined the gym to keep fit and lifted weights four times a week. There was no slowing down or stopping for Randel. His life was meant for living and he wasn’t going to let anything stand in his way. He was predeceased by his parents, Audrey (Smith) and Francis Gray; brother, Albert Gray (Eva Mae); brother-in-law, Murray Richardson (Joyce). Also predeceased by nephews, Jimmy Gray and Brian Gray, sons of Gale and Jimmy Gray. He is survived by wife of 56 years, Lorraine (Fizzard); sons, Randal (Enid) and Paul (Susan); grandchildren, Kathryn, Nathan, Miranda, and Connor. Also survived by siblings, Jimmy (Gale), Frankie (Juanita), Maurice (Shirley), Joyce, Evy (Gordon), Winnie and many nieces and nephews; and also by Crystal Crocket and Candice Fancy, bonus granddaughters. A special thank you from Lorraine, Randal, and Paul to the doctors, nurses, social workers, and staff on the Third Floor (West) of the Camp Hill Veterans Memorial Hospital and to the nurses and staff of the QEII Medical Day Unit for the many years of care. Donations in lieu of flowers and cards can be made to either the QEII Foundation or the Saint James United Church of Canada in Sambro. In keeping with his wishes, cremation has taken place and a graveside service will be held in Oakridge Memorial Gardens on Tuesday, March 7th at 12 p.m. Online condolences may be expressed to the family by visiting the Sackville Chapel at:

R. I. P.
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Re:GRAY, R.E. (Randy) 1 Year, 2 Months ago  
Rest in Peace Randy you were a Great friend who will be Greatly missed.
scouten (User)
Posts: 115
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Gender: Male Location: Village of Gagetown New Brunswick Canada Birthdate: 1941-12-16
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