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BURLEY, F. (Frank) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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BURLEY, F. (Frank) 3 Years, 3 Months ago  
Black Watch and RCR friends:

Regret to report the passing of Frank Burley this week in Oromocto.
Frank was posted to 2nd Battalion, The Black Watch RHC on completion of his Depot training in 1958 and assigned to ‘A’ Company in Gagetown. He accompanied 2nd Battalion to Germany in 1962 and to Cyprus in 1966 – remaining with ‘A’ Company throughout. He deployed again to Cyprus with the Battalion in 1969 but with Headquarters Company. He re-badged 2RCR in 1970.

Frank Burley

It is with a heavy heart that Elizabeth Hillis Burley (nee DeWitt) announces the passing of her husband of more than 60 years, Frank Burley. Frank was born October 3rd, 1940 in St John’s, Newfoundland, to parents Frank and Edith Burley.
Frank is survived by his wife Elizabeth and his children Patricia Ann (Doug) Oggelsby; Frank David Burley as well as his grandchildren Samantha Johan (Jeff) Wilson, Frank Daniel Burley; Brittany Georgina Marie Oggelsby, Morgan Keller Oggelsby, Joshua Douglas Oggelsby and first great grandchild Sophie Elizabeth Irene Wilson.
He will be remembered by his sisters Joan Harrison & Phyllis Bemster and their families, as well as by his sister-in-law Susan DeWitt, brothers-in-law John DeWitt, Luke (Claudette) Dewitt and family.
Frank joined the Canadian Forces in 1958 at the age of 17 and subsequently completed 26+ years of dedicated service. He served as an infantryman with the Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) and the Royal Canadian Regiment (2nd Battalion) stationed at Werl, Germany; CFB Gagetown & CFB Halifax. He also completed two (2) tours in Cypress as a Peace Keeper.
Frank met his wife Elizabeth in 1959; at a local teen mixer where they danced the night away to such classics as Fats Domino’s "I Want To Walk You Home"; at the end of the evening Frank asked to walk Elizabeth home. Frank married Elizabeth in December 1960 and they spent their lives continuing that walk home- hand in hand and heart to heart. Frank took great joy in the life they created together and taught both of his children how to continue that walk of love and commitment with their own families.
Frank was unwavering in the love he had for his family and friends. Whether it was tackling his never ending Pinterest inspired honey do list for Elizabeth, making sure his son and daughter knew how to stand on their own, or spending one-on-one time with his 5 grandchildren, his family always knew that they could tackle any problem as long as he was there beside them, providing advice and guidance. Moving forward, his memory will remain with them each time they take on a new project.
Frank loved unconditionally and whole heartedly and was loved by his family fiercely in return. As per Frank’s request, there will be no visitation or funeral services. Instead, the family encourages that you simply take the time to remember Frank in your own way.
The family would like to extend a special thank you to the staff of Hospice House Fredericton for the care and compassion they provided to Frank. For those who wish, donations to Hospice Fredericton may be made in Frank’s memory.
With thanks to Eric Journeay for the foregoing.
R. I. P.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Pro Patria
Webmaster (Admin)
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Gender: Male pipey1983 Valley Concepts Hosting Location: Hampton, Nova Scotia Birthdate: 1959-02-16
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Last Edit: 2021/03/04 07:50 By Webmaster.
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Re:BURLEY, F. (Frank) 3 Years, 3 Months ago  
Frank my friend, I remember you well. Both of us from the same city and grew up knowing each other. I joined 3 years after him and met up with him again after I joined the Battalion and we went to Germany. Sorry you are gone friend.
rowens (User)
All ex-Black Watch can contact me.
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Gender: Male Ron Owens Ron Owens Location: St.John's, Newfoundland Birthdate: 1944-07-13
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Went thru depot with 123 Squad. Served with the Second Battalion, C Company, Support Platoon, Mortars with Bill Chisholm. Served as a CIL cadet officer in Northern Command, commanding a corp of 40 cadets in the Yukon for 8 years. Resigned as Captain in 1982. Worked in mining after the army.
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