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MacINTYRE, B.G. (Bernie) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: MacINTYRE, B.G. (Bernie)
MacINTYRE, B.G. (Bernie) 5 Years, 9 Months ago  
Black Watch friends:

Regret to report the passing of Bernie MacIntyre this past Wednesday in Cape Breton.
Bernie served in Korea with our 2nd Battalion as a member of Support Company (which suggests that he probably joined the North Nova Scotia Highlanders to go overseas).

Please note funeral service early next week in Port Hawkesbury.

MacINTYRE, Bernard Gerrard
1934 - 2018
Age 83, Port Hawkesbury passed away on Wednesday, September 19, 2018, in the Strait Richmond Hospital, Evanston. Born in Glace Bay on October 1, 1934, he was a son of the late Michael and Alice Webb) MacIntyre. Bernie was a Union Rep for Local #721 and was a heavy equipment operator.
He was a member of the Black Watch 2nd Canadian Highland Battalion entering as a Private on August 29, 1952 and was honorably released on July 1, 1966 as Corporal. Surviving are his wife, Janet (Longaphie); daughters, Kelly Stark (Danny), Elissa MacIntyre, Kimberly Van Zutphen, Patricia MacIntyre; grandchildren, Mitchell, Justin, Bradley, Gracie, Liam, Emma, Abby, Faith, Alexander, Adrianna (Dolly), Katie. Besides his parents he was predeceased by brother, Joseph; sisters, Katherine, Cecilia and Leona.
Visitation will be from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. on Monday in Dennis Haverstock Funeral Home, Port Hawkesbury. Funeral mass will be 10 a.m. Tuesday from St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Port Hawkesbury with Father Conrad Edwards officiating. Burial in the parish cemetery. Family flowers only please. Memorial donations may be made to Cancer Centre Cape Breton or to the Capitol Fund of St. Joseph Parish, Port Hawkesbury
With thanks to Eric Journeay for the foregoing.

R. I. P.
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