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WORRALL, S.R. (Sonny) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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WORRALL, S.R. (Sonny) 8 Years, 11 Months ago  
Black Watch and RCR Friends:

Regret to announce the recent passing of Sonny Worrall who served with 2RCR in Korea and 1RHC in Cyprus.


Sanford (Sonny) Ralph Worrall was born in Chatham, NB to Gerald Sanford and Muriel Worrall (MacDonald) on September 15th, 1928. Sonny was one of seven children. He is predeceased by his parents and sisters, Edith, Florence, Muriel and Doris. Linton and Catherine are his surviving siblings. He was also pre-deceased by his daughter-in-law, Cindy Worrall (Gilroy).
Sonny is survived by his wife, Juliette Marie (Martin). He married Julie in September of 1950, just before going to the Korean War as an infanteer (2 RCR). Eighteen months later, he returned to Chatham, NB for his bride and together they adjusted to military life. They had many adventures and rejoiced in the arrival of their sons, Keith (Bonnie) and George (Cindy). They traveled within Canada and abroad and have had a beautiful life together. They have been blessed to have several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Family was always the center of Sonny’s universe and he was so proud of his sons and their accomplishments.
Later as an army meat cutter and cook, Sonny was well known for the extras he provided soldiers. After his career in the army, he worked at Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital and later at Pine Grove Nursing Home. He was active in Branch #93 of the Royal Canadian Legion, and for many years he worked on the Poppy Campaign. He also enjoyed visiting schools before Remembrance Day and music with children through Interlink. He was a member of the Korean Veterans Association and active in the Lincoln Wesley United Church. He loved to sing in the choir and enjoyed the friendship of the Men’s Club.
Sonny had a good life and loved to tell tales of his early days growing up on the Miramichi. He was such a happy and proud man. He left very peacefully on June 29th, 2015 with his loving family by his side.
Sonny’s visitation will be held at the Oromocto Funeral Home on Friday, July 3rd from 2-4 and 7-9. At 6:45 pm the RCL Branch #93 will hold a tribute service. His memorial service will be held at the Lincoln Wesley United Church on Saturday, July 4th at 2 PM. Interment will be in the Field of Honour, Oromocto Pioneer Gardens Cemetery.
Donations in memory of Sonny can be made to the Lincoln Wesley United Church or to the Oromocto Public Hospital Foundation.
With thanks to Art Snow and Mel Ellis for the foregoing.
R. I. P.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit Pro Patria
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Re:WORRALL, S.R. (Sonny) 8 Years, 10 Months ago  
Condolences to the Worrall Family.
woody (User)
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Gender: Male Woody Location: Bowmanville Ontario Birthdate: 1942-09-23
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