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DESMOND, J.F. (Jim) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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DESMOND, J.F. (Jim) 9 Years, 8 Months ago  
Black Watch Friends:

Regret to report the passing of Jim Desmond earlier this week in Fredericton.

Jim graduated from RHC Depot with 146 Squad in April 1964 and he subsequently served with 2RHC in Gagetown and Cyprus. After 1970 he served with 2RCR and the Canadian Airborne Regiment.
James "Jim" Francis Desmond

It is with deep sadness and regret that the family of James Francis Desmond announces his passing at the Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital on September 15, 2014. Jim was born in Guysborough, N.S on April 29, 1943 to the late Joseph and Sophie Desmond.
Jim served in the 2nd Battalion Black Watch for 20 years until his retirement in 1983 making the rank of Sergeant. After retirement Jim worked at the Burpee farm in Burton for 25 years until 2008. Jim gave up employment at this time to focus on being a full time grandfather. His grandchildren lovingly knew him as ‘OPA’.
Jim is survived by his wife, Christa (Krabs) Desmond of Burton; step sons, Mike Bright of Burton and Rick Bright of Geary; step daughter, Nicole Bright (Tim O’Kane); two children from a previous marriage, Marcel and Lori; and three grandchildren, Kayla Bright, Olivia O’Kane and Solomon O’Kane. One brother, Joseph Desmond and one sister, Mary Desmond.
There will be a memorial service at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness at 16 Doyle Drive, Oromocto on Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 2pm with Johann Grimm officiating. Reception immediately following. For those who wish, donations in James Desmond’s memory can be made to the NB Heart and Stroke Foundation or Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

With thanks to Mel Ellis for the foregoing.

R. I. P.
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