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McKEEN, V.J.S. (Vern) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: McKEEN, V.J.S. (Vern)
McKEEN, V.J.S. (Vern) 9 Years, 8 Months ago  
Black Watch Friends:

Regret to report that Vern McKeen, age 78, passed away in Victoria BC on July 23, 2014 after a lengthy illness.

Commissioned in the Black Watch in 1961, he enjoyed a 31 year career before retiring in 1991. Vern’s regimental service included tours with 2RHC in Gagetown before being sent to 1 RHC in Germany as a reinforcement in October 1961 pending the rotation of 2 RHC in March 1962. He remained with 2 RHC in Germany until returning to CFB Gagetown in 1965 and proceeded to Cyprus with the battalion in 1966. Vern remained with 2RHC when it returned from Cyprus and, based on his experience on that island, organized the training program to prepare 1st Battalion for its tour in Cyprus the following year. A period of staff employment was followed by another tour with 2 RHC and Staff College before he rebadged to the PPCLI in 1973. UN service included service with HQ CCUNCYP during the mid-70s and a two year tour with UNTSO in Israel and Southern Lebanon during the mid-1980s. His final posting was to Regional Operations, MARPAC HQ, CFB Esquimalt. Following retirement from the CF, he worked with BC Ferries Emergency Planning before taking his final retirement from public service in 1998. Vern was a valued member of the Pacific Coast Branch, serving on the executive until deteriorating health caused him to step down in 2004.
Vern was proceeded by his wife, Marg,

With thanks to Dave Leslie for the foregoing.

R. I. P.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Webmaster (Admin)
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Gender: Male pipey1983 Valley Concepts Hosting Location: Hampton, Nova Scotia Birthdate: 1959-02-16
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Re:McKEEN, V.J.S. (Vern) 9 Years, 8 Months ago  
Vernon ''Vern'' John Samuel McKeen
78, of Victoria, BC, died August 23, 2014. Born in Antigonish, Nova Scotia to Clarence and Isabel (Gillis) McKeen. Grew up in Kapuskasing, Ontario with Jessie, Harvey, Clare, and Rod. Graduate of Kapuskasing High School, Canadian Forces Staff College, Sir George Williams (BA '73), and University of Victoria (MPA '93). Served his country with the Black Watch ('61) and Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry ('73). While serving in Germany, met and married Margaret 'Marg' (Trotter) of Sudbury in 1964. That was a love story! Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, shared with UN Peacekeepers ('88). His sense of humour was legendary. Second career in emergency planning with BC Ferries Corp. Dad met a friend wherever he went. Survived by his daughters and beloved grandchildren: Katharine (Dave), Charles and Jocelyn; Jennifer (John), Samuel and Ian; brother Rod; nieces and nephews Kim, Chris, Betsy, Dan, Kristin, Sheila, David, Shelley and Doug. Predeceased by Marg (January '12). Thank you to Broadmead Lodge. Donations to Wounded Warriors PSTD service dogs or Alzheimer's Society. He loved us. We miss you Dad.
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Gender: Male pipey1983 Valley Concepts Hosting Location: Hampton, Nova Scotia Birthdate: 1959-02-16
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