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GAUTHIER, Fred (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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GAUTHIER, Fred 10 Years, 11 Months ago  
As some of you know already, Fred Gauthier, a Past President, Treasurer, Director, Life Member of the TBWA and friend to many of us pasted away on the evening of June 27 in the Veterans’ Wing of Sunnybrook Hospital. Members of his family were by his side. Fred was in his 91st year.

Visitation will take place from 2 – 4 and 7 – 9 PM on Wednesday, July 3 at the Marshall Funeral Home with a Funeral Mass taking place at the
St Mary Immaculate Church at 11h00 on July 4.

Should you wish to attend at the church on Thursday - Balmoral, Blazer and Grays with full medals would not be inappropriate.
Both the funeral home and church are located in Richmond Hill.
Complete coordinates are in the following links:
Marshall Funeral Home
St Mary Immaculate Church

I had the opportunity and pleasure to know Fred. I found him to be enthusiastic about all things Black Watch. He was a man who led by example in diligently and enthusiastically performing the duties of any TBWA office which he held. As an example, it is thanks to Fred’s expertise as Treasurer that the TBWA is in existence today.

However, there was more to Fred than administration. He was a man who liked having friends around him and enjoyed a party – large or small. He was devoted to his late wife Gladys and they were both justifiably proud of their daughter Lynn, and sons - Gerald, Fred and Brian.

In the last few years of his life, Fred suffered from Alzheimer’s and his memory betrayed him on many fronts but you could usually get a spark out of him on the subject of his family or the Black Watch and, if all else failed just bring on the Pipes. Fred loved the Pipes and it was wonderful that the TBWA Pipes and Drums had the opportunity to play for him at Sunnybrook. Once it was as part of a general concert for all Sunnybrook Vets and the other a private concert at his 90th birthday party.

Fred Gauthier – thanks for everything and may you now Rest In Peace.

Bill Carlisle
Webmaster (Admin)
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