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McMASTER, W.J. (Bill) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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McMASTER, W.J. (Bill) 10 Years, 11 Months ago  
Black Watch Friends:

Regret to report the passing of an old and personal friend, Bill McMaster, yesterday in Moncton, N.B. As indicated in the obit below, Bill served with 2nd Battalion in Gagetown and Germany. He had been in poor health his last few years.

McMASTER, WILLIAM "BILL" J. - 1934 - 2013 - Bill McMaster of Riverview passed away at the Jordan Memorial Life Care Center on June 17, 2013. Born in 1934, he was the son of the late Hugh and Eleanor (Chapman) McMaster. After graduating from Dorchester High School, Bill continued his education at Mount Allison University, Royal Roads, Royal Military College before joining the 2nd Battalion of the Black Watch where he served a term in Germany. Upon leaving the Canadian Forces, he taught at Moncton High School and was later Vice Principal at Harrison Trimble High School. During that time, he also served with the Reserve Forces, retiring as Lieutenant Colonel with the 8th Hussars. Bill was a true and avid outdoorsmen. Whether it be walking his dog, Tilly, hiking at Fundy National Park, or umpiring a baseball game, he was happy when surrounded by nature. In his spare time, Bill could be found volunteering with the boy scouts, reading, fly fishing or spending time at his cottage in Meadow. He will be dearly missed by his loving wife of 40 years, Judy (Perry); daughter, Tammy Eileen Doyle (Patrick) and their children Carole and Ellen of Dartmouth, NS; his sister Sheila Snider (Vernon) of Moncton; step-children, Shelley (Bruce) Steeves; Cheryl (Stephen) DeLong, all of Riverview; and Daron (Debbie) Thomas of Fredericton. He is also survived by step-grandchildren Stewart and Emily Murray; Daniel and Alexis DeLong; and Kiera, Yousef, Meron and Lily Thomas. Besides his parents, Bill was predeceased by his first wife Carole in 1970.
The family extends an invitation for you to join them at Cobb’s Funeral Home and Cremation Center, 330 Whitepine Rd. Riverview, (869-2007) on Thursday, June 20, 2013 from 2 to 4pm for a time to celebrate and remember Bill’s life. Donations made to the Jordan Home Care or The Friends of The Moncton Hospital would be greatly appreciated by the family. Online condolences may be expressed at

With thanks to Tud Kaulbach for providing the foregoing information.

R. I. P.
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