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WALLACE, L.W. (Les) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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WALLACE, L.W. (Les) 12 Years, 2 Months ago  
Black Watch Friends:

Regret to notify you of the passing last month of Les Wallace in St Johns.

Les Graduated from The Black Watch Depot with 95 Squad in 1959 and was posted to ‘C’ Company, Second Battalion in Gagetown.

Leslie Wilfred Wallace

Passed on: February 26th, 2012
It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Leslie Wilfred Wallace, with his family by his side on Sunday, February 26, 2012. Born in St. John's, Newfoundland on November 8, 1941. Predeceased by his parents William and Mildred Wallace; sister-in-law, Margaret; nephews: Wally and Josh Wallace. Lovingly remembered by his family; wife of 51 years, Jean (nee Dewling); daughter Leslie Noel; son Harold and his wife Michelle; grandchildren: Bobby (Patti), Amanda (David), Brandon and Majkl; great-grandson Quinn; siblings: Doug, Bill (Linda), Olive (Ed) Bush, Sandra (Cec) Pearcey, Marilyn (Ralph) Taylor, Tom (Wynone) and Max; brother-in-law Bob Dewling; nieces and nephews: Perry, Donna, Jeff, Allison, Edward Jr., Jackie, Silas, Nancy, Gail, Karen, Sarah, Heather, Leona, Trena, Thomas Jr., Terry, Gill and Robin, Bobby, Kelly and Harold; Aunt Olive (nee Wallace) Burdock; special buddy, Eddy; and his little companion, Sammy. The family would like give a heartfelt thank you to the doctors and nurses of the ICU at the Health Sciences Center for their care, compassion and professionalism during Les’s stay there. As well as to Ron and Eleanor Martin and Olive and Ed Bush for going above and beyond to help Mom and Dad. Visitation for family and friends will be held at Carnell’s Funeral Home, 329 Freshwater Road, on Monday from 7–9 p.m. and Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. A Celebration of Les’ Life will be held from the Carnell Memorial Chapel on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. Flowers gratefully declined. If so desired, memorial remembrances may be made in the form of a donation to the charity of one’s choice. To send a message of condolence or to sign the memorial guest book, please visit

With thanks to Ed Laurie for providing above details.

R. I. P.
Webmaster (Admin)
Posts: 656
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Gender: Male pipey1983 Valley Concepts Hosting Location: Hampton, Nova Scotia Birthdate: 1959-02-16
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Re:WALLACE, L.W. (Les) 12 Years, 2 Months ago  
RIP Brother
woody (User)
Posts: 192
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Gender: Male Woody Location: Bowmanville Ontario Birthdate: 1942-09-23
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