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VIA RAIL - SPECIAL FARES (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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VIA RAIL - SPECIAL FARES 13 Years, 12 Months ago  
Canadian Forces and Veterans to be Honoured with
Free VIA Rail Travel this Summer


Active and retired Canadian Forces personnel, reservists, spouses and dependents are eligible for the special fares. Members of the Canadian Forces travel free on select trains in Economy class and can bring up to five family members travelling with them at 25 per cent off the regular applicable fare. Up to five children under 12 accompanied by an adult can travel at $10 each as part of VIA’s kids summer travel discount. VIA is also offering a 25 per cent discount to military personnel and their families off the best available fare in Business and Sleeper classes, depending on availability. All bookings must be made between June 1 and June 15, 2010, and travel must take place between July 1 and August 14, 2010. Other conditions may apply.

A limited number of seats will be available on selected trains operating on routes between Quebec City and Windsor and on all trains outside of the Quebec-Windsor corridor. Bookings must be made either by calling 1 888 VIA RAIL (842-7245), TTY 1 800 268-9503 (for the hearing impaired), or in person at a VIA ticket office. No online reservations are possible for this promotion.

Other conditions may apply.
Webmaster (Admin)
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Gender: Male pipey1983 Valley Concepts Hosting Location: Hampton, Nova Scotia Birthdate: 1959-02-16
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Re:VIA RAIL - SPECIAL FARES 13 Years, 11 Months ago  
Don't plan your trip before you speak to Via however, the train you have to take may not be in keeping with your time table and to those wishing to go on weekends, you may be lucky but you might not be able to get the train you need back on a Sunday. This is just a heads-up - we wanted to go to Col Angus's Farm for the Toronto Assoc BarBQ by train but the only one we could get on the Friday was too late arriving in Toronto and we wouldn't be able to get a train back to Ottawa until the Monday. If you can get your train in keeping with your schedule, all the more power to you!
Sherry BW (User)
Posts: 54
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Gender: Female Location: Ottawa, ON Birthdate: 1954-09-03
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Last Edit: 2010/06/16 19:56 By Sherry BW.
Sherry Duplessis
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Viam Inveniemus
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