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An Unknown Name (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: An Unknown Name
An Unknown Name 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
We all know of the fine work that our regiment is known for but it still floors me when I talk to people who have never heard of the Black Watch. Today, I had my Cadet anniversary/Reunion T shirt on, I was at two locations and two people said they have never heard of us. One place was at Port Moody's Golden Spike Days. I had ventured over to the local Air Cadet squadrons booth and one of the lady's from it's Auxiliary asked about the Black Watch and what it was. I told her to go read up on Canadian Military History but I told her a bit and I also met a lady at Price Smart Foods who also asked and said she has a Son who just came back from Afghanistan.
vangary (User)
Posts: 53
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Gender: Male vangary2002 Location: Coquitlam, BC Birthdate: 1955-05-27
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Last Edit: 2009/07/05 23:24 By vangary.
I am also on facebook
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Re:An Unknown Name 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I have never had that problem. Whenever anyone asks me what I did in the military I always tell them I served with the Black Watch and never have I gotten a negative or I don't know answer. The best response I ever received was from a gentleman who I had found out served with the Marines as a med evac in Vietnam. As a med evac he even had to go in to rescue downed pilots. I thought he must have been a very brave medic but his when he asked me if I had served in the military and I told him I had served in the Black Watch he said and I quote "Holy sh'' you guys were crazy. And talk about good. Man." And then he wanted to know more about us, which I gladly filled him in. You could say I was and am still very proud to have served in The Watch.
Ted (User)
1 RHC 1964-1970 (disbandment)
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Gender: Male Location: Dartmouth, NS Birthdate: 1947-02-02
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