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Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look.
Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
If you are the first to hear of this, then, it's a long story! I'll keep it as brief as possible... First of all my grandfather was in the 1st & 2nd Battalion in Gagetown back in the day. And I now I wear the Black Watch tartan in is memory.
Second, I am the former Drum Major for the Fredericton Society Of Saint Andrew Pipe Band Fredericton, N.B. I was with them for several years and recieved lots of good praise for my service. And after I left the band I decided that I should continue as an Independant Drum Major. And then I would still be able to march in the massed bands and compete where ever competitions were held.
I then did so. And had no problems at all in the beginning. And since I left the band I started growing my hair out again like it was before I joined Sea Cadets. I was neat and tidy about it. Having it tied back much like the days of the early Black Watch. And myself being a "civilian" I thought nothing of it. It wasn't until my second year a was approached by officials of the Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association, and was told that I wasn't allowed to participate in the Highland Games of my hometown or at all anymore because I have long hair. They should have told me at first.
So my point is who would I talk to besides a lawyer, that is Black Watch so that I can go over the ACPBA's heads and say that I can go ahead and continue. Because Drum Major's are a dying breed around here. That is why I would like to continue. Thank you!
So long for now!
D/M Wayne S. Parker
dmwayneparker (User)
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Gender: Male Location: Fredericton, N.B. Birthdate: 1981-07-27
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Re:Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Drum Major,
For what it is worth,
If you were on your own and not part of a group of course no one would have any business trying to dictate to you how you should look or what length your hair is. When you join into a group the whole situation changes and those who control the group will do just that, control it, including doing everything possible to ensure a positive image. As a drum major you are an icon and stand out with many eyes upon you. Onlookers rightly or wrongly develop perceptions about the group as a whole by the individual appearance of its members. It seems those in control of these games wish to have their participants displaying a clean cut look in order to have their spectators impressed in a positive manner. The solution to your problem is quite obvious...get a haircut or don't participate!

Dave Willard
Dave Willard (User)
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Re:Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
All the highland games & or bands that I have seen, the Drum Major & Pipe Major have always had short hair. Sorry but me being from the old school I would have to say keep your hair cut.
woody (User)
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Re:Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I was expecting that answer! And I appreciate your opinion, even if I don't heed it! And I do know where you are coming from. But from my point of view I am a civilian. And I'm not cutting my hair for anyone! But maybe someday...... Never say never haha!
So long for now!
dmwayneparker (User)
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Gender: Male Location: Fredericton, N.B. Birthdate: 1981-07-27
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Re:Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
It's like my old Pipe Major (also a good friend) said to me, "It's a world of it's own." And I believe that. I do grow tired of trying to get appoval of a bunch of yuppies. That think they have the right to preach to the world. But I won't get into that today! lol
dmwayneparker (User)
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Gender: Male Location: Fredericton, N.B. Birthdate: 1981-07-27
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Re:Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Hi Wayne how are you? I remember you from the montreal games.
Unfortunatly the abpso must have rules and you should check on this,Noe for my opnion if you are weareing a black watch kilt that is ok because it is goverment tartan as for the question of your hair get a hair cut... If you wish to represent your family that served the regiment you should look the part I am sure they would have some pride and get with it you are a drum major you are the first impression anyone sees take care
Drummie (User)
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Re:Not allowed to wear my kilt because of how I look. 14 Years, 10 Months ago  
Ill have to add my 2 cents and say that if thay ask you to cut your hair to participate,, then cut it you must or not be a part.. you could allways jopin a re enactment group that portrays an earlier time of the regiment when some had long haid but.... as far as I know they ahve allway kept up appearances and been clean in thier looks..
OutWest (User)
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