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Appointment and Promotions (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Appointment and Promotions
Appointment and Promotions 14 Years, 8 Months ago  
As you are aware, the Toronto Black Watch Association has been without a Patron since the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother.

At the last Directors' Meeting, your Directors took steps to correct this situation subject to your ratification under Section 16 paragraph two of our Bylaws - "The Board of Directors may, by resolution, amend any of the preceding by-laws and Constitution. Changes shall lapse and have no effect unless ratified with the concurrence of a two-thirds majority vote of members present at the next meeting of the Association."

It is therefore both my privilege and pleasure to announce the following changes to our bylaws and constitution with respect to not only our Patron but both our Honorary President and Vice Presidential positions.

Colonel Stephen F. Angus, CD has accepted a promotion from Honorary President to Patron.

Colonel Angus' support of the TBWA over the years speaks for itself.
His positive support of this association has never varied. His support has been there from the day that he arrived in Toronto in the early 1970's and even prior to that during his term as CO of 3RHC.
As Honorary President, he has been a guiding light to every TBWA President. If this was not enough, his personal family history with the Regiment has no parallel in the present day.
In the opinion of your Directors, we could think of no other person who could fill the position of Patron from the TBWA perspective.

Lieutenant Colonel Leonard N. Ferdon, CD has accepted a promotion from Honorary Vice President to Honorary President.

Lt. Colonel Ferdon has been extremely active and supportive since his appointment as Hon. Vice President. He has always been available to fulfill his roll with behind the scene advice to your Board.
He has also demonstrated a willingness to become actively involved in both lending a hand as part of working committees and in fact just straight work parties.
His enthusiasm for the TBWA has been contagious and his encouragement of people to join the TBWA and your Board in particular is impressive.
We look forward to LCol. Ferdon continuing his enthusiastic approach as he moves into his roll as Hon. President.

Major G. Michael Boire, CD, BA, MA has accepted an appointment as Honorary Vice President.

Major Boire has been a steady supporter of the TBWA since his posting to CFB Kingston.
Major Boire started out in 3RHC as an Officer Cadet in the later 1960's. He subsequently transferred as a qualified Lieutenant to the Permanent Force and joined Le 12e Régiment blindé du Canada (alas the 1st and 2nd Battalions of our Regiment had been withdrawn from the Permanent Force roll) in the early 1970's.
Major Boire served in many active theatres of operations throughout his 35+ years in the CF. His latest and final posting prior to retirement this September was teaching Canada's military history at RMC in Kingston.
Michael is a graduate of Loyola College (University of Montréal), the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston and the École supérieure de Guerre, Paris.
He is also a Research Associate at the Laurier Centre for Military and Strategic and Disarmament Studies. Mike is in fact now completing a dissertation on the First Canadian Armoured Brigade in the Italian campaign.
All the above aside, Mike's first Regiment was the Black Watch RHC and I believe that I can say, without fear of correction, that part of him never left our Regiment. It is my pleasure therefore to officially welcome Mike Boire into our corner of his original Regimental Family in his roll as Honorary Vice President of the TBWA.

Please join me in welcoming all three of these Honorary Officers to their new positions within the Toronto Black Watch Association. The TBWA is lucky to have such men to call on for advice, direction and support for issues both within and outside the Regimental Family.


Bill Carlisle
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