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MOFFATT, Lynn (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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MOFFATT, Lynn 5 Years, 4 Months ago  
From the Pacific Coast Branch

Sadly, Lynn Moffat passed away in Victoria on Saturday 26 January.Lynn entered CMR in 1956 and was posted to 2 RHC in 1961 following graduation from RMC. He left the Regular Force in 1964 after service in Germany. He joined the Princess Louise Fusiliers in Halifax while studying at Dalhousie University before moving on to Calgary where he joined the Calgary Highlanders. Lynn served two tours as CO (1976-79 and 1991-94). He also coached the Prairie Militia Area and Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR) military pentathlon team that brought home Canada's first CIOR gold medal. This was no mean feat - the CIOR represents over 1.3 million reservists across 34 participating nations, making it the world's largest military reserve organization. Following graduation from Dalhousie became a secondary school teacher and along the way received his M Ed from the University of Calgary. He and Marilyn moved to Victoria in 2012 where he became Pipe Major of the Westshore Pipes and drums. Piping was his major hobby and he was working on a book of pipe tunes that he had composed over the years.

Webmaster (Admin)
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Gender: Male pipey1983 Valley Concepts Hosting Location: Hampton, Nova Scotia Birthdate: 1959-02-16
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Last Edit: 2019/01/31 07:09 By Webmaster.
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