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CFB Gagetown (Question period) (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: CFB Gagetown (Question period)
the (NFL) Telegram will not post Gagetown Comments 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
Hi All,

Yesterday Marilyn and Gail both sent me a story which you can find at:
Which was published in the Newfoundland Telegram.

At the bottom of the article they asked for Comments, which me being me I sent one within minutes of reading their article.
I later found out that Kelly and at least one other sent comments too but by early afternoon Kelly and I could not only not find our comments but noticed that they had now removed the comment button.

Kelly and I talked it over and we decided that Kelly would write and ask what happened.
Below is their first reply.
First of all I can answer that question for you. Yes a decision was made not to allow comments to be posted on the Agent Orange story.
I’m actually not in charge of that, our web team is.
Meanwhile, when our web editor gets back from lunch shortly I will take it up with him and try and get you either a reason as to why the comments were pulled or get the comments posted.
Thanks for getting in touch and watch for more stories on this in the future.
Meanwhile if you’re interested in participating in any stories about agent orange or if you’re willing to let us look at any documents you say you have I’d be more than willing to do a little digging.
Thanks again
and shortly there after:
It’s our policy not to post comments related to court actions because it can cause legal troubles for us as a paper should a comment that’s liable get through by accident. But until our web editor gets back from lunch I can’t confirm that’s why he chose not to post comments on that particular story.
Again, thanks for your interest.

I then wrote to her letter below.
Dear Alisha Morrissey, Alisha Morrissey []

I am writing you in reference to the article attributed to you called, 'Monster of a case,' published in the Telegram on Monday the 6th. of April 2009, and about the CFB Gagetown Class Action Lawsuit and some of the frustrations surrounding it.

When I read this story I wrote and submitted a comment to the web site and although I realize that Transcontinental Media reserves the right, at its sole discretion to post comments or not, however it is totally un-Canadian and unfair to allow Ottawa's rhetoric about the Lawsuit and the Gagetown issue while not allowing the Victims of this very deadly issue to correct the intentional mistakes (or as Ottawa would call it the Misspoken) that Ottawa and their departments have fed the Canadian Media.

Alisha, I ask kindly that you that you let whoever is censoring us to stop immediately. This in un-constructional and a direct assault on the average Canadian's right to free speech, or at least the same amount of free speech that they are at this time affording the Government and chemical industry.

Shutting us out while the government and chemical industry are free to publish incorrect numbers, dates and even the chemicals used is in my opinion not good journalism.

I however realize that this may not be you decision in the end.

Thank you for listening.

One question: Why was there no Gagetown comments allowed to be published?

Cpl. Kenneth H. Young CD (ret)
She answered
Mr. Young,
I will tell you the same thing I have told other commenters that have gotten in contact with me regarding this story.
First of all, you are right I am not responsible for moderating the comments on our site. Second, the Telegram chooses not to post comments about stories related to cases that are before the courts. There are legal issues when it comes to posting such comments and we have been advised that there are cases in which newspapers and reporters become liable for comments posted to websites.
I assure you that I have done my research on this story, I have been covering it for two years. The people who have been affected by agent orange (for example Ed Ring) are getting their chance to speak on this issue publicly — in the stories.
When there is finally a decision in the case comments will be opened to the public. Meanwhile, that could be years from now.
The Telegram isn't in the censorship business and if you would like to express your opinion you can through a letter to the editor. You can click on our letters section of our website or e-mail
I am sorry you feel this way, but these are the only options.

So it seems that not only is the evidence in our case being withheld, the CF and DND personal gagged under threat of charges, we are now also being denied the right to even have a comment correcting the misinformation which Ottawa supplies about Gagetown from being published in Newfoundland.

And then they wonder where conspiracies theories come from.

Just trying to keep you all informed.

We are working on posting the comments which the Telegram wouldn't and the fact that they wouldn't.
We hope that Art, Ken D, Kelly and Bette will all post the story.

I will post the articles when I have them together.
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Re:the (NFL) Telegram will not post Gagetown Comments 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
Kenneth H Young wrote:

I will post the articles when I have them together.

'Monster of a case' Yet the Telegram refuses to publish non Government comments.

A story published April 6th. 2009 in a Newfoundland online paper the Telegram found at
Was published and comments from the public were at first solicited
At least 3 people sent in comments to be posted only to later find that this Media Outlet refused to publish any comments on the CFB Gagetown story.

The story tells of the NFL Court gag orders on evidence and that along with with the Canadian Forces and DND personal Gag orders on even talking to the media about Gagetown, we were more then surprised to find out that the Newfoundland Media are now also refusing to publish our non government comments on Gagetown.

Censorship, government intimidation and legal manipulation are alive and doing well here in Canada.

The unposted comments below.

Comment # 1

It's surprising how many times I've used the word Monster when talking about the spraying of CFB Gagetown over the last few years.

- The women who gave birth to fetal monsters, quickly rushed out of the delivery room.

- The monstrous behavior of Stephen Harper and Greg Thompson when they flip-flopped from being our advocates to being the worst enemies of the victims.

- I've even figuratively glimpsed the monster itself roaming the countryside of New Brunswick partially obscured by an increasingly torn curtain of official denial and cover-up. It's gigantic, insatiable.

So why are we all looking at only the tip of this monster's tail? The US Army spraying in 1966-67 was nothing compared to what Canada itself sprayed on Gagetown during this span, before and afterwards too. In 1967 while the Americans were spraying their couple of barrels on a few acres, Ottawa ordered the spraying of 100 times that acreage with over 1,000 times the amount of poison. They did this every year between 1956 and 1984!

CFB Gagetown is more contaminated than Vietnam. There's a glimpse of the monster for you.



Comment # 2

It must first be noted that this Class action was first launched against the Government of Canada and in a Federal court. We did not launch a case against the chemical companies.
Ottawa chose to include both Dow Chemical and Pharmacia (formally known as Monsanto) as co defendants and because the Federal Court could not render a verdict against non Federal companies we were forced to proceed in Provincial courts which sadly all have different rules and regulations in regards to class action law.
We were told from the beginning by the government that they would be appealing each and every decision which went against them and now that they also involved the chemical industry we have two more groups who will appeal every decision made in our favor.
I fail to see how a Judges decision in Newfoundland would tie the hands of a Judge in Saskatchewan, if he demands that the evidence be provided to his court but then again I am not a lawyer.
Ottawa's refusal to conduct a full public and judicial inquiry was the first indication that they will not only not help Gagetown Victims but would in fact use all the resources at their disposal to prevent any inquiry or court decision against them.
This is not Our Lawyers of the victims stalling, it is Ottawa continuing to cover-up their mistakes. This time the mistake of killing or destroying their own Army.

Cpl. Kenneth H. Young CD (ret)
Comment # 3

I have not yet received.
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3 min. Trailer for Gagetown Documentry 15 Years, 2 Months ago

Here is a 3 minute trailer for the upcoming Gagetwon documentary.
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Comment # 3 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
I had no way to foresee that my comment would end up in the Telegram’s shredder so didn’t save what I submitted, but this is basically what I wrote…. Bonita


I was asked if I would include comments that later composed to send in but at a time when the comment funtion was no longer there. I have not because they were not in effect refused posting. There were only 3 comments which were sent and then the Telegram refused to publish.

Here is the last one but becase she didn't keep a copy this was written by Bonita from her memory. Ken


In response to Ed Ring’s article, I too have Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma caused by our Governments decision to poison my family while my father was posted in Gagetown from 1962-69.

I am also frustrated with our Government’s lack of concern for the victims and their struggles, morally and financially.

They should have the decency to make things right and take responsibility for what they allowed to happen to their own soldiers and families. They are nothing more than selfish cowards. I have no faith in them anymore to do the right thing. In my opinion they are criminals getting away with murder, and we the victims suffer the consequences.

Hang in there Ed, we can still hope for justice, hopefully soon.

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Re:CFB Gagetown 15 Years, 2 Months ago

Asking the tough questions

Re: Agent Orange compensation

It's somewhat disconcerting that after almost four years of the Canadian Forces Base Gagetown story hitting the airwaves, reporters today are still misquoting, misdating and underestimating the events, the impact on the people and the toxic chemicals sprayed there.

Many reporters seem to be using the issue as an easy space filler which needs neither investigation nor accuracy.

Dates of the spraying, chemicals used, areas sprayed, spraying accidents, the government's inactions and number of possible victims, don't seem to matter as long as you quote some politician who knows even less about Gagetown than the reporter does.

In many cases, facts, which are well documented in the very same papers, are presenting incorrect information to the general public and being ignored.

Apparent facts found in the BGAFFP's task # 1 final report are that more than 7,000 regular military personnel were identified as being stationed at CFB Gagetown during summer training for the years 1966 and 1967 and that 358 civilians were identified as employed by CFB Gagetown during the years 1966 and 1967.

Eight hundred and six family members were identified who may have been associated with the regular military and civilian employees during 1966 and 1967 for a total of 8,164 - not counting one single civilian living within five kilometres of Gagetown in 1966 and 1967.

Some questions that reporters should be asking are: If the government's own BGAFFP reported 8,164 victims, not counting the civilians within the five kilometre limit, present during the summers of '66 and '67, why then was the ex-gratia package designed to compensate only 4,500 victims?

Were the people who died before Feb. 6, 2006 any less dead or any less affected by the chemicals used at CFB Gagetown and why won't Ottawa compensate these widows?

If everything was alright and aboveboard, as Ottawa would like us to believe, why is Ottawa now refusing to call for a full public and judicial inquiry?

Could the answer to all three questions be the same?

Ottawa knew full well that more than half of the Gagetown victims were already dead.

Mr. Thompson, as reported on April 1 in the Montreal Gazette said: "I've stated very clearly the dates will not change."

Just two days before on the 29th of March, it was reported in the Telegraph Journal that "Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson has said that the April 1 deadline for compensation isn't absolute and late applications will be considered."

In Ottawa, our MPs call this a flip-flop, while in the opinions of many less honourable, we would call it bold face lying.

I guess our only choice now is to figure out whether the newspapers are lying or whether the member flip-flopped, yet again, and mispoke to the newspapers.

The only question which remains is did Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson mispeak to the Montreal Gazette or to the Telegraph Journal?

And, more importantly, are there any Canadians left who would believe him even if he told us?

If you are going to write about our story and our lives, please get your facts straight.

Cpl. Kenneth H. Young CD (ret)

Nanaimo, B.C.
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Re:CFB Gagetown 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
give em shit ken your right on the money, and it goes on far to much, i have contacted peter stoffer and my own mp and layed it on the line you want our votes in thhe next election then you better back up peter stoffed in parliment when he is fighting the good fight for us, and i have also contacted all my ex military buddy,s and asked them to put their names on the list and so forth if we all do the same the list should grow fairly quickly iwould hope, keep up the good work ken willie musgrave,m cpl ret.
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Blowback a Canadian History of Agent Orange 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
Launch: Blowback a Canadian History of Agent Orange and the War at Home |
Start: Apr 14 2009 - 7:00pm
End: Apr 14 2009 - 9:00pm
Dalhousie Student Union Building
6316 University Ave
Halifax, NS

See map: Google Maps

“a marvelously revealing work of independent, investigative journalism… the book is a virtual catalogue of mistakes and missteps by governments … a convincing example of objective reporting and writing on a profoundly important subject in Atlantic Canada.”

- Alec Bruce, Atlantic Books (an insert in the Globe and Mail)

The village of Enniskillen, a sleepy cluster of a few dozen houses in New Brunswick’s Queens County, has never been invaded by a foreign power. But during the 1950s to 1970s, the village was ground zero for a different kind of offensive, this one launched by the American and Canadian military against its own people with the deadly dioxin Agent Orange. Between 1956 and 1984 the Canadian military and its private subcontractors sprayed more than 1 million litres of rainbow herbicides around New Brunswick. The American military was invited to test Agent Purple and other toxins on Canadian soil after the chemicals had been banned by the U.S. Congress.

This is the story of a war coming home; a story of the military and economic currents that allowed Agent Orange to blow through trees and into rivers in New Brunswick. More than anything, it’s a story of soldiers, civilians and local residents who blew back against the government and companies who poisoned them.

Contact name:
chris arsenault
Contact email:
Launch: Blowback a Canadian History of Agent Orange and the War at Home |
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Media wrong again 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
Last week there were some 5 or 8 newspaper articles (that I saw) which stated that only about 1,692 people have registered for theGagetown Class actin lawsuit. It seems that the Sun Media printed this same story in many of the Sun Media papers. I knew this to be wrong so asked Merchant for an up-date on the numbers. You can all rest easy because our numbers haven't gone down at all and now stand at 3,302 and still climbing, as peole are now starting to learn what was done to them.

Just another case of the media or their reporters shooting their mouths off before checking the facts. And absolutely Nothing new in our story.
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PROTEST RALLY - Tohpson's office - St Stephen NB> 15 Years, 2 Months ago  

PURPOSE--A protest rally is being organized to DEMAND of our government, to disclose the truth

and respect our Military and Civilians who have died and those who are still suffering from the

terrible atrocity of Chemical Poisioning at CFB Gagetown and surrounding area from 1956 to 1984.

Our objective is to seek justice through a Full Public Inquiry and gain compensation for all.

PLACE-- St Stephen, N.B.

TIME-- 2:00PM

ARRIVAL LOCATION-- Please be here at 1:00PM to assemble at the Legion on Queen St West and Marks St. Greg Thompson's office is about 4 buildings off the corner of Milltown Bloulevard and Marks St. So the parade route will be from the Legion down the street to Thompson's office just a 2 or 3 block stroll

DURATION OF PROTEST—Approximately two hours from the start of the march which includes time for those who have been invited to speak.

REFRESHMENTS—Not confirmed yet but we are working on refreshments after the Rally at the Legion on Queen St West and Marks St.

Gary has arranged for bag pippers to lead the march. I believe they will start with the hymn Amazing Grace.

The Black Watch and our Veterans (all legions of NB & NS) have been invited to attend. Final confirmation of numbers are expected within a few weeks. Representation from some inviromental groups have confirmed and Agent Orange activist as far away as BC and Ontario have confirmed.

PLEASE RSVP by April 24th to the sender.

Thank you Carol

Carol Brown Parker
Agent Orange Association of Canada Inc. (AOAC)
For information on the Chemical Spraying of
CFB Gagetown & Surrounding Areas refer to
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Last Edit: 2009/04/14 18:33 By Kenneth H Young.
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Canadians stand alone 15 Years, 2 Months ago  
This is found in a US documet Called:

Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management
Maine Veterans’ Services
117 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0117
Tel.: 207-626-4464
March 2, 2006
Agent Orange/Agent Purple
Canadian Forces Base Gagetown

on page two it reads:
d. The Director of Maine Veterans’ Services wrote to the Secretary of the Department of

Veterans Affairs in October 2005 asking for clarification of how Maine National Guardsmen

and women could get the AOR screening and file claims with the VA for Agent Orange

issues. The results of this letter are: CFB Gagetown is on the approved DOD list of

potential Agent Orange exposure areas; the VA will adjudicate claims for those illness that

are presumptively attributed to Agent Orange; and veterans, as defined by the VA, can

receive an Agent Orange Registry examination if they so chose.

And in England soldier who became ill due to Chemical exposure in Canada at CFB Gagetown have been given full disability VA pensions.

Why is Canada the only soldiers who do not get compensated by our government? The Government who actually did this dirty deed.

Cpl. Kenneth H. Young CD (ret)
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