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"Afghanistan: A Soldier's Story" (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: "Afghanistan: A Soldier's Story"
"Afghanistan: A Soldier's Story" 11 Years, 9 Months ago;ut=0nks9XGaJAmRo1;tok=2GeHJk5s6ajlo1

I am trying to reach out to Reservists who served in Afghanistan to include their stories and images in a legacy album, "Afghanistan: A Soldier's Story" to be published November 2014.

This is a non DND project that was introduced in late 2011. It is being run on a volunteer basis by CF Public Affairs Officers in partnership with the Edmonton MFRC and "The Veterans" documentary series. Reservists made up about 25% of the CF who served in Afghanistan and it is critical that their stories be included in this album. Any help this group can provide in reaching out to Reservists would be much appreciated. Publication is Nov 2014 so that we can include the stories of those who have served in the Kabul based training mission.
Afghanistan: A Soldier's Story

Welcome to the interactive web site for “Afghanistan: A Soldier’s Story.” You are cordially invited to participate in the development of: Afghanistan: A Soldier’s Story Vous êtes cordialement invités à participer à la création...
vangary (User)
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Gender: Male vangary2002 Location: Coquitlam, BC Birthdate: 1955-05-27
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"Afghanistan: A Soldier's Story"
vangary 2012/08/28 20:15
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