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Upper Canada - Robbie Burns Luncheon Imprimer
mercredi, 13 janvier 2016, 12:00 - 15:00

Hopefully, you have all had a happy and prosperous Christmas and to start the new year the Branch will hold our annual Robbie Burns' Luncheon at 1200 hrs, Wednesday January 13th in the:

Ottawa Police Association Russell Lounge

141 Catherine St.,

Ottawa, ON

Dress is casual.

Please let me know if you plan to attend by Wednesday, January 6th.

There is parking across the street under the blue OPA signs.  Tickets will be validated at the bar.  If the parking lot is full, there is a paid parking lot at the corner of O'Connor and Catherine.

If needed, there is an elevator to the second floor on the West side of the building.

Note: There have been some changes at the OPA: the parking lot is now gated, but parking is still free and the bartender will likely be the Bar manager Christy-Ann, who goes by "CA."

Hope to see you there and have a Happy New Year,


R. Ross Bounsall

President, Upper Canada Branch,


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