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Montreal BWA BBQ Imprimer
dimanche, 25 août 2013, 11:00 - 17:00

To all members of the Black Watch Family

This is to remind all troopees and friends of the Black Watch that our annual BBQ is being held at 320 Ducharme in Dorval or the CFSA Point Picard on Sunday the 25th of August. Bring your whole gang including munchkins, rugrats (little people) to the fun. We will have interesting activities for the day. The day starts at 1100 and the free food starts at 1200hrs. Pipers and drummers especially welcome. Make sure you inform all your buddies in the Regiment to be there. Lets try and beat last years attendance and make this the funnest day of the year.

Please pass this email onto all of your BW comrades.

Hope to see you all there!

BWA Executive


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