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Parent/Cadet Banquet Imprimer
samedi, 20 avril 2013, 08:00 - 17:00
Dear Parents and Cadets, Just a quick reminder that the Armoury will be open as of 08:00am. The shooting competition will be held between 9:00 am and 11:00 am. Those wishing to compete should arrive no later than 9:00 am to register. The parade shall commence at 11:30 am, followed by a traditional dinner served by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Black Watch Pipes and Drums.

ALL CADETS TAKE NOTE: Dress has been changed to H2 (leather sporran, Lovat hose, undress ribbons only, no medals). Those cadets without Highland Kit shall wear the standard issue cadet uniform. Contact your platoon leader if you have further questions.

All parents and guests are requested to adhere to the dress policy of "business casual" for dinner.

If you have not already confirmed your attendance, kindly RSVP no later than Thursday, April 18th 2013, as individual meals must be ordered in advance.


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