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Annual General Meeting - TBWA Imprimer
samedi, 11 mai 2013, 11:00 - 17:00

As mentioned in the February/March Newsflash, our Annual General Meeting will be held at 11h00 on May 11 in the Pipes and Drums Room of the 48th Highlanders of Canada in Moss Park Armoury 130 Queen Street East (Queen & Jarvis).

Although this is not an election year, your presence is of importance to review such items as the auditors’ report and it is an opportunity to allow your voice to be heard by the Board on any concerns which you might have.

The official mechanics of the meeting aside, it is also a chance to enjoy a light lunch and socialize with your fellow members after the meeting. Just remember though that you must be in possession of a current membership card to attend on May 11. As usual, the Membership Chairman, Keith O’Brien will be available at the door to correct any arrears membership issues.


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